Cloudflare 最高防 DDoS 系统的原理是将用户的请求先通过 Cloudflare 的服务器进行处理,再转发到真正的网站服务器上。在转发过程中,Cloudflare 会对流量进行筛选和过滤,将正常流量转发到网站服务器上,而将恶意流量拦截。

Many cloud providers offer DDoS API resources to their users. Some of the notable DDoS API resources offered by cloud providers include AWS Shield Advanced, Azure DDoS Protection, Google Cloud Armor, and Alibaba Cloud Anti-DDoS Basic. These cloud resources offer a broad range of features, including traffic inspection, access control, and automatic mitigation. Additionally, these services are designed to work seamlessly with other cloud services, allowing you to implement a comprehensive security strategy for your infrastructure.


